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Hello and welcome to my professional portfolio! My name is Emma Huff and I am currently in my final professional practicum at the university of Lethbridge. I am working toward a major in Art education with a minor in Science education.  I was born in Lethbridge but grew up in Calgary, I moved back to Lethbridge in 2009 and have been here ever since. I completed my Early Childhood Certificate at the Lethbridge College and worked as an Educational Assistant, working with children with autism, for just over four years before deciding to come back to school. I fell in love with working with students and being in the classroom and knew I wanted to do more. I am very excited to complete my journey as a student and begin my journey as a beginning teacher! Please feel free to explore my website, some things you can find on my website include my teaching philosophy and my goals for PSIII. Thank you for taking the time to look over my portfolio.

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